
Revision Function Digital Control Dispenser SuperSCMIII

No. 1 overwhelming "global standards"
We concentrate limits of Musashi technology and realize super stable dispensing.

  • High precision dispense of the highest quality kept on polishing.
  • High reliability that was demonstrated.
  • High cycle time high throughput.
  • We contribute to running cost down.
  • It is all-in-one in Full Automation revision function.
  • We realize interlocking movement with automatic machine, complete control of dispense condition.

Outline Specifications

Name Revision function digital control Dispenser SuperSCMIII belonging to
Dispense mode Timed mode/manual mode
Discharge pressure setting range 0.030 - 0.500MPa 0.005 - 0.200MPa
Discharge time setting range 0.001-9999.999s
Vacuum pressure set range 0 - -0.020MPa
Main function At the waterside difference automatic compensation, dripping automatic prevention, automatic residual quantity warning, a revision, d revision, Vacuum pressure revision, residual quantity indication revision, dispense counter, stopwatch, Running out of Japanese-English indication spare solenoid valve warning

Note: When you use syringe, cartridge more than 70 ml, please consult to us.

Product Enquiry