
In Middle And High Schools Viscosity Non-Contact Jet Dispenser AeroJet

It is macroevolution in fastest 333shot/s! We largely shorten production baton time.

  • We can fly at ultrafast with in middle and high schools viscosity solutions.
  • Application that is super minute by original jet mechanism is possible.
  • The durability is 4 times of before.
  • We realize stable discharge reproducibility.
  • It is equipped with temperature controller posture as standard equipment.
  • CE marking, EURoHS conformity edition is lineup, too.

Outline Specifications

Name In middle and high schools viscosity non-contact jet Dispenser AeroJet
Model MJET-A-2
Discharge mode Timed mode/manual mode, LINE mode /DOT mode
Discharge time set range 0.002-9.99999s
Discharge number of times set range 1-9999
Main function Misshot detection, synchronized speed, RS-232C communication, Japanese-English indication switching
Product Enquiry